Woodford County Health Department
Prevent. Promote. Protect.
Additional Environmental Services
Hotel & Motels
The Hotel & Motel Inspection Program ensures the public clean and healthy lodging when in Woodford County. Hotels & Motels are inspected once each year for compliance with state regulations. Complaints from the public are also investigated by the local Health Department.
10% of rooms are inspected.
The inspection period is 360 days.
Youth Camps
Youth Camps are inspected prior to opening and while in session each summer.
Public Restrooms
The Public Restroom Program investigates complaints received regarding restroom facilities in public buildings. It ensures that the facility is in compliance with the state Public Restroom Regulation.
School Inspections
All public, private and parochial schools (grades K-12) are inspected two times a year ( usually Fall & Spring) for compliance with the Kentucky School Sanitation Regulation. These inspections include the cafeteria.
Sewage Pump Truck Inspections
All sewage pump trucks are inspected annually to ensure equipment and vehicles are properly maintained and to make sure the waste is being disposed of properly. Applications for state license is issued by the Health Department.
Mobile Home and RV Parks
Mobile Home and RV Parks are inspected once a year to ensure compliance with state and local regulations. New Mobile Home and RV Parks are approved and inspected prior to being permitted to open.
Tattoo Studio, ear piercing, body piercing
Tattoo and piercing studios are inspected every 180 days.
Private Water Testing (wells)
Homeowners who use private wells or cisterns as their source of drinking water should have the water tested annually. Water quality in private wells is not regulated by the EPA or the state. Homeowners who use private wells or cisterns should contact a certified lab ​ to have the water tested for bacteria and other contaminants, such as nitrates.
Childhood Lead Program
We can administer a lead risk assessment for children 6 years old and younger.
For these and any other Environmental Services, please contact Barrett Schoeck at 859.873.4541.